Social Ecology of Tropical and Subtropical Land-use Systems
Apl. Professor for Social Ecology of Tropical and Subtropical Land-use Systems at the University of Hohenheim
German Institute for Tropical and Subtropical Agriculture and Transdisciplinary and Social-ecological Landuse Research
DITSL GmbH Witzenhausen
Steinstrasse 19
37213 Witzenhausen
Email: b.kaufmann@ditsl.org
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www.ditsl.org – where science meets people
Peer-reviewed Publications
Title | In: | Authors | Type | Year |
Strategies to promote sustainable development | Sustainability; 14(18), 1-20; MDPI | Margareta Amy Lelea, Lydia Madintin Konlan, Rashida Chantima Ziblila, Lara Elena Thiele, Araba Amo-Aidoo, Brigitte Kaufmann | Journal article | 2022 |
Strategies to Promote Sustainable Development: The Gendered Importance of Addressing Diminishing African Locust Bean (Parkia biglobosa) Resources in Northern Ghana’s Agro-Ecological Landscape | Sustainability (Switzerland); 14(18) | Lelea M.A., Konlan L.M., Ziblila R.C., Thiele L.E., Amo-Aidoo A., Kaufmann B. | Journal article | 2022 |
Disrupting Patterns at the End of an Agricultural Research Project: Experiences with Community Cinema and Participatory Video | Geohumanities; | Richardson P., Tolange D., Plummer A., Kaufmann B.A. | Journal article | 2022 |
Changing conditions for local food actors to operate towards agroecology during the COVID-19 pandemic | Frontiers in sustainable food systems; 6, 1-17; Frontiers Media | Markus Frank, Brigitte Kaufmann, Mercedes Ejarque, María Guadalupe Lamaison, María Virginia Nessi, Mariano Martin Amoroso | Journal article | 2022 |
Co-inquiry in agroecology research with farmers | Agroecology and sustainable food systems; 46(4), 510-539; Taylor & Francis | Markus Frank, Mariano M. Amoroso, Martina Propedo, Brigitte Kaufmann | Journal article | 2022 |
Co-inquiry in agroecology research with farmers: transdisciplinary co-creation of contextualized and actionable knowledge | Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems; 46(4), 510-539 | Frank M., Amoroso M.M., Propedo M., Kaufmann B. | Journal article | 2022 |
Emerging pastoralist practices for fulfilling market requirements under stratified cattle production systems in Kenya’s drylands | Animal production science; 61(12), 1224-1234; CSIRO | Bulle Hallo Dabasso, Oliver Vivian Wasonga, Patrick Irungu, Brigitte Kaufmann | Journal article | 2021 |
Re-framing post-harvest losses through a situated analysis of the pineapple value chain in Uganda | Geoforum; 111, 48-61 | Tröger K., Lelea M.A., Hensel O., Kaufmann B. | Journal article | 2020 |
Assessing the quality of collaboration in transdisciplinary sustainability research: farmers’ enthusiasm to work together for the reduction of post-harvest dairy losses in Kenya | Environmental science & policy; 105, 1-10; Elsevier | María José Restrepo Rodríguez, Margareta A. Lelea, Brigitte Kaufmann | Journal article | 2020 |
Socio-cultural and governance foundations of successful income-generating groups in pastoral societies: Evidence from northern Kenya | Community Development; 51(4), 361-386 | Arasio R.L., Kaufmann B., Wasonga O.V., Otieno D.J. | Journal article | 2020 |
Elusive profits: Understanding economic performance of local traders in the pastoral small ruminant value chain in Northern Kenya | Nomadic Peoples; 23(1), 78-105 | Roba G.M., Lelea M.A., Hensel O., Kaufmann B. | Journal article | 2019 |
Participatory video proposals: A tool for empowering farmer groups in rural innovation processes? | Journal of Rural Studies; 69, 173-185 | Richardson-Ngwenya P., Restrepo M.J., Fernández R., Kaufmann B.A. | Journal article | 2019 |
Participatory video proposals | Journal of rural studies; 69, 173-185 | Pamela Richardson-Ngwenya, María J. Restrepo, Raúl Fernández, Brigitte A. Kaufmann | Journal article | 2019 |
The Fine Line between Trusting and Cheating: Exploring Relationships between Actors in Ugandan Pineapple Value Chains. | The European journal of development research; 1-19 | K. Tröger, M. A. Lelea, B. Kaufmann | Journal article | 2018 |
Embracing the Complexity: Surfacing Problem Situations with Multiple Actors of the Pineapple Value Chain in Uganda. | Systemic practice and action research; 1-24 | K. Tröger, M. A. Lelea, O. Hensel, B. Kaufmann | Journal article | 2018 |
Evaluating knowledge integration and co-production in a 2-year collaborative learning process with smallholder dairy farmer groups | Sustainability Science; 13(5), 1265-1286 | Restrepo M.J., Lelea M.A., Kaufmann B.A. | Journal article | 2018 |
Understanding the emergence and evolution of pastoral community groups from the perspective of community members and external development actors in northern kenya | Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development in the Tropics and Subtropics; 119(2), 53-66 | Arasio R.L., Kaufmann B., Otieno D.J., Wasonga O.V. | Journal article | 2018 |
Participatory problem analysis of crop activities in rural Tanzania with attention to gender and wealth: ‘setting the scene’ to enhance relevance and avoid exclusion in pro-poor innovation projects | Food Security; 10(4), 859-880 | Richardson-Ngwenya P., Höhne M., Kaufmann B. | Journal article | 2018 |
Making decisions without reliable information: The struggle of local traders in the pastoral meat supply chain. | Food policy; 76, 33-43 | G. M. Roba, M. A. Lelea, O. Hensel, B. Kaufmann | Journal article | 2018 |
The Fine Line between Trusting and Cheating: Exploring Relationships between Actors in Ugandan Pineapple Value Chains | European Journal of Development Research; 30(5), 823-841 | Tröger K., Lelea M.A., Kaufmann B. | Journal article | 2018 |
Evaluating knowledge integration and co-production in a 2-year collaborative learning process with smallholder dairy farmer groups. | Sustainability science; ; Springer Nature | M. J. Restrepo, M. A. Lelea, B. A. Kaufmann | Journal article | 2018 |
Manoeuvring through difficult terrain: How local traders link pastoralists to markets. | Journal of rural studies; 54, 85-97 | G. M. Roba, M. A. Lelea, B. Kaufmann | Journal article | 2017 |
Assessing a demonstration farm approach for technological innovations in pastoral livestock production systems of Northern Patagonia: Participants' perceptions of stakeholder roles and innovations. | Experimental agriculture; 54(5), 774-793; Cambridge University Press | M. Frank, M. H. Easdale, B. Kaufmann | Journal article | 2017 |
Reproductive performance and herd growth potentials of cattle in the Borana pastoral system, southern Ethiopia | Animal Production Science; 57(1), 161-169 | Wario H.T., Roba H.G., Aufderheide M., Kaufmann B. | Journal article | 2017 |
Second-order cybernetic analysis to re-construct farmers' rationale when regulating milk production. | Systemic practice and action research; 29(5), 449-468 | M. J. Restrepo, M. A. Lelea, B. Kaufmann | Journal article | 2016 |
Second-Order Cybernetic Analysis to Re-construct Farmers’ Rationale When Regulating Milk Production | Systemic Practice and Action Research; 29(5), 449-468 | Restrepo M.J., Lelea M.A., Kaufmann B. | Journal article | 2016 |
Diversity in livestock resources in pastoral systems in Africa | OIE Revue Scientifique et Technique; 35(2), 445-459 | Kaufmann B.A., Lelea M.A., Hülsebusch C.G. | Journal article | 2016 |
Responding to mobility constraints: Recent shifts in resource use practices and herding strategies in the Borana pastoral system, southern Ethiopia | Journal of Arid Environments; 127, 222-234 | Wario H.T., Roba H.G., Kaufmann B. | Journal article | 2016 |
land conversion dynamics in the borana rangelands of southern ethiopia: An integrated assessment using remote sensing techniques and field survey data. (Environments 2015, 2, 1–31) | Environments - MDPI; 2(3), 385-387 | Elias M., Hensel O., Richter U., Hülsebusch C., Kaufmann B., Wasonga O. | Erratum | 2015 |
Caring for livestock. Borana women's perceptions of their changing role in livestock management in Southern Ethiopia | Nomadic Peoples; 19(1), 30-52 | Hertkorn M.-L., Roba H., Kaufmann B. | Journal article | 2015 |
Land conversion dynamics in the borana rangelands of southern ethiopia: An integrated assessment using remote sensing techniques and field survey data | Environments - MDPI; 2(1) | Elias M., Hensel O., Richter U., Hülsebusch C., Kaufmann B., Wasonga O. | Journal article | 2015 |
Shaping the Herders’ “Mental Maps”: Participatory Mapping with Pastoralists’ to Understand Their Grazing Area Differentiation and Characterization | Environmental Management; 56(3), 721-737 | Wario H.T., Roba H.G., Kaufmann B. | Journal article | 2015 |
Framework for participatory food security research in rural food value chains | Global food security; 3, 8-15; Elsevier | F. Graef, S. Sieber, K. Mutabazi, F. Asch, H. K. Biesalski, J. Bitegeko, W. Bokelmann, M. Bruentrup, O. Dietrich, N. Elly, A. Fasse, J. U. Germer, U. Grote, L. Herrmann, R. Herrmann, H. Hoffmann, F. C. Kahimba, B. Kaufmann, K. Kersebaum, C. Kilembe, A. Kimaro, J. Kinabo | Journal article | 2014 |
Pastoralism: A critical asset for food security under global climate change | Animal Frontiers; 3(1), 42-50 | Krätli S., Huelsebusch C., Brooks S., Kaufmann B. | Journal article | 2013 |
Farmers' attitude towards animal welfare aspects and their practice in organic dairy calf rearing: A case study in selected nordic farms | Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics; 25(3), 349-364 | Vetouli T., Lund V., Kaufmann B. | Journal article | 2012 |
Potential of pastoralist groups to manage small-stock marketing projects: A case study of groups in Farakoren and Malabot, Marsabit County, Kenya | Livestock Research for Rural Development; 23(1) | Ngutu M.N., Lelo F.K., Kosgey I.S., Kaufmann B. | Journal article | 2011 |
Second-order cybernetics as a tool to understand why pastoralists do what they do | Agricultural Systems; 104(9), 655-665 | Kaufmann B.A. | Journal article | 2011 |
Pig production in Vietnam - A review | CAB Reviews; 3(23), 1-15; CAB International | U. Lemke, M. Mergenthaler, R. Rößler, L. T. T. Huyen, P. Herold, B. Kaufmann, Valle Zárate | Journal article | 2008 |
Evaluation of biological and economic efficiency of smallholder pig production systems in North Vietnam | Tropical animal health and production; 39(4), 237-254; Springer Nature | U. Lemke, B. Kaufmann, L. T. Thuy, K. Emrich, Valle Zárate | Journal article | 2007 |
Evaluation of smallholder pig production systems in North Vietnam: Pig production management and pig performances | Livestock Science; 105(44986), 229-243 | Lemke U., Kaufmann B., Thuy L.T., Emrich K., Valle Zárate A. | Journal article | 2006 |
Evaluation of smallholder pig production in North Vietnam | Livestock science; 105, 229-243; Elsevier | U. Lemke, K. Emrich, L. T. Thuy, B. Kaufmann, Valle Zárate | Journal article | 2006 |
Evaluation of smallholder pig production systems in North Vietnam considering input, management, output and comparing economic and biological efficiency | Livestock science, Vol.105 (1), p.229-243 | U. Lemke, L. T. Thuy, B. Kaufmann, Valle Zárate | 2006 | |
Reproductive performance of camels (Camelus dromedarius) under pastoral management and its influence on herd development | Livestock Production Science; 92(1), 17-29 | Kaufmann B.A. | Journal article | 2005 |
Reproductive performance of camels (Camelus dromedarius) under pastoral management and its influence on herd development. | Livestock production science; 92(1), 17-29 | B. Kaufmann | Journal article | 2005 |
Structural characterization of TSC-36/Flik: Analysis of two charge isoforms | Journal of Biological Chemistry; 279(12), 11727-11735 | Hambrock H.O., Kaufmann B., Müller S., Hanisch F.-G., Nose K., Paulsson M., Maurer P., Hartmann U. | Journal article | 2004 |
Structural variability of BM-40/SPARC/osteonectin glycosylation: Implications for collagen affinity | Glycobiology; 14(7), 609-619 | Kaufmann B., Müller S., Hanisch F.-G., Hartmann U., Paulsson M., Maurer P., Zaucke F. | Journal article | 2004 |
Differences in perception of causes of camel calf losses between pastoralists and scientists | Experimental Agriculture; 39(4), 363-378 | Kaufmann B.A. | Journal article | 2003 |
Genetic diversity and relationships of indigenous Kenyan camel (Camelus dromedarius) populations: Implications for their classification | Animal Genetics; 34(1), 26-32 | Mburu D.N., Ochieng J.W., Kuria S.G., Jianlin H., Kaufmann B., Rege J.E.O., Hanotte O. | Journal article | 2003 |
Demonstration of 16-Unsaturated C-19 Steroids ('Boar Pheromones') in Tissues of the Male Camel (Camelus dromedarius) | Reproduction in Domestic Animals; 34(6), 455-458 | Claus R., Kaufmann B., Dehnhard M., Spitzer V. | Journal article | 1999 |
Camel calf losses in pastoral herds of northern Kenya - A systems comparsion | - | B. Kaufmann | - | 1999 |
Other Publications
Title | In: | Authors | Type | Year |
System approaches for understanding rural women’s agri-food entrepreneurship in Oyo State Nigeria | Tropentag 2021, International Conference on Research on Food Security, Natural Resource Management and Rural Development; Towards shifting paradigms in agriculture for a healthy and sustainable future; 439; Cuvillier Verlag | Ugochi Geraldine Akalonu, Simon Oyegbile, Oluwakemi Omowaye, Margareta Lelea, Oliver Hensel, Brigitte Kaufmann | Meeting abstract | 2022 |
Experience with participatory video proposals: assisting community organisations with innovation project planning | Development in Practice; 29(6), 808-816 | Richardson-Ngwenya P., Fernandez R., Restrepo M.J., Kaufmann B.A. | Note | 2019 |
Pastoral livestock systems | Encyclopedia of Food Security and Sustainability; 354-360; 9780128126882; 9780128126875 | Kaufmann B.A., Hülsebusch C.G., Krätli S. | Book Chapter | 2018 |
Sustainable agriculture | Sustainable Development Policy: A European Perspective; 316-339; 9781351978255; 9781138284999 | Kaufmann B., Hensel O. | Book Chapter | 2017 |
Charcoal for food: Livelihood diversification in two peasant communities in Mozambique | Socio-Economic Insecurity in Emerging Economies: Building New Spaces; 68-82; 9781315780139; 9781138017825 | Levy C., Kaufmann B. | Book Chapter | 2014 |
Livestock production systems in South Asia and the greater Mekong subregion | - | N. Teufel, A. Markemann, B. Kaufmann, Valle Zárate | - | 2010 |
Pastoralists' perspectives on multi-functional role of small ruminants in their production systems in arid areas of northern Kenya | - | H. Warui, B. Kaufmann, C. Hülsebusch, H.-P. Piepho, Valle Zárate | Conference paper | 2009 |
Carcass characteristics and meat quality of Mong Cai and Ban pig breeds reared under smallholder conditions in Son La province, Nothwest Vietnam | - | N. V. Hau, L. T. Thuy, B. Kaufmann, Valle Zárate | Conference paper | 2008 |
Zwischen Tradition und Globalisierung, Beiträge zur 9. Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau, Universität Hohenheim, 20. - 23. März 2007 | 9. Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau; 1, ; Verlag Dr. Köster | S. Zikeli, W. Claupein, S. Dabbert, B. Kaufmann, T. Müller, Anne Valle Zárate | Conference | 2007 |
Suitability of Local and Improved Pig Breeds for Different Smallholder Production Conditions | Environmental Science and Engineering; 188-202 | Lemke U., Zárate A.V., Kaufmann B., Santivañez J.D., Thuy L.T., Ly L.V., Giao H.K., Vang N.D. | Book Chapter | 2007 |
Production and marketing of indigenous pig breeds in the uplands of Vietnam | - | T. M. H. Pham, B. Kaufmann, A. Valle Zárate | Conference paper | 2007 |
Reproductive performance of local goats in extensive production systems of Arid Northern Kenya. | - | H. M. Warui, B. Kaufmann, C. Hülsebusch, Valle Zárate | Conference paper | 2007 |
Evaluación de los sistemas de producción porcina: razas nativas versus genotipos introducidos de cerdo en el norte de Vietnam | 83-85 | U. Lemke, K. Emrich, L. T. Thuy, B. Kaufmann, Valle Zárate | Anthology contribution | 2006 |
Precision livestock farming in developing countries: Creating order where uncertainty prevails | Precision Livestock Farming 2005; 327-335; 9789076998688 | Kaufmann B.A. | Conference Paper | 2005 |
Type differences in Rendille camels of Northern Kenya with regard to drought tolerance. | - | S. Grund, B. Kaufmann, M. Sigmund-Schultze, Valle Zárate | Presentation slides | 2004 |
Communication tools in smallholder livestock systems analysis | - | B. Kaufmann, U. Lemke, Mohan Dhamotharan, Valle Zárate | Presentation slides | 2001 |
Application of New World Camelidae microsatellite primers for amplification of polymorphic loci in Old World camelids | Animal Genetics; 31(6), 404-406 | Jianlin H., Mburu D., Ochieng J., Kaufmann B., Rege J.E.O., Hanotte O. | Note | 2000 |
Characterisation of camel populations in East and West Africa and comparison of pastoral camel breeding strategies | - | C. Binder, B. Kaufmann | - | 1999 |
Communication between researchers and livestock keepers on the introduction of technical innovations: difficulties in understanding and possible solutions | - | B. Kaufmann | - | 1999 |